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Choose the lorawan frequency you want to invest in. HKT Lora provides you with a variety of lorawan frequency and related articles.

LoRaWAN Audible and Visual Alarm

HKT LoRaWAN  Siren makes light and sound to tell the guard management there is an alert. It supports standard LoRaWAN protocol. It has high detection accuracy. With a durable shell, it has a long life span.

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LoRaWAN Multifunctional Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

HKT-UDS100 is independently developed and designed by Hunan HKT Technology Co., Ltd. It uses advanced sensor technology and data communication technology to monitor the overflow status of trash cans and record the operation of trash cans in real time. It uses advanced hardware design and software algorithms to ensure that the product has high reliability and stability.

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LoRaWAN One-button SOS Alarm

LoRaWAN One-button SOS Alarm SOS Button adopts LoRa RF technology, and supports LoRaWAN protocol. It needs simple networking, long-distance transmission and low power consumption. With built-in high capacity battery, it is wireless and easy for installation. When you are in an emergency situation, press the SOS button. The alarm signal is sent through wireless transmission to the monitoring platform. Security can be deployed in time.

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